In Tamil Nadu alone, 41 people were dead by Corona in Chennai alone
In Tamil Nadu alone, 41 people were dead by Corona in Chennai alone
Tamil Nadu is the second-worst coronary state after Maharashtra, with 19,372 cases.
In comparison to other states, Tamilnadu is 0.7%, which is quite comforting.
However, in the past few years, the coronavirus deaths in Tamil Nadu dominated. The number of casualties was 124 in March and 2076 in April, of which 24 were fatal.
Coronavirus numbers and the death toll in the coming days have increased the fear of the masses.
At least 12 people have died overnight, and the number of casualties reached 51 on May 22 and 29. So far, 98 people have died from coronavirus in Tamil Nadu.
Of these, 71 persons were aged 60 years, 60 were above the age of 41, and 10 persons above 20 years of age.
The highest number of casualties in Chennai is 106, with the death toll reaching 106 in the past week alone. In the last 10 days, the number of victims of coronavirus in Chennai was 5,333.
If this is not corrected, it is estimated that in some days more than 2 lakh people in Tamil Nadu and more than 1400 deaths are reported.