The reason is that more than 6 lakh people have lost their lives all over the world so people are relying only on vaccines as a huge force to save the
The world is waiting for the final announcement of the corona vaccine to be released by the University of Oxford
World: Oxford University develops a key drug to control coronavirus, More than 140 companies around the world are actively working to find a vaccine against the virus.
The experiment is over
Only three or four major companies, BioNTech, Pfizer and Valneva, which are currently undergoing extensive testing, are said to be highly successful.
It is rumoured that the trial of the corona vaccine, which is currently being developed by researchers at Oxford University, has been completed and full information will be released.
Chinese company Biotech
It is currently in the third phase of testing with Africa and Brazil, followed by the Chinese company Biotech, which is reportedly involved in the third phase of vaccine production in Brazil.
Free Clinical Test
Generally, any vaccine found is tested in four stages, the first of which is a pre-clinical test performed on animals.
This is a common practice. The drug is then administered to a small number of people after confirming its safety, and if successful, is administered to a larger number of people and tested.
After finally succeeding in everything, a good vaccine will be developed and given to everyone in the world.
A power that can save
Therefore, the University of Oxford is expected to publish the final results of these tests today.
The reason is that more than 6 lakh people have lost their lives all over the world so people are relying only on vaccines as a huge force to save them from this
So the whole world is watching this final announcement to be made by Oxford University.