We can easily travel to Tamil Nadu without e-pass, but it would be nice if we could think of it and go to Bangalore.
Bangalore Government
India: Chief Minister Edappadi Palanichamy has said that the e-pass will be issued to all applicants in Tamil Nadu from August 17. It would be helpful to do this between districts.
After the implementation of this system, there is a high level of traffic between the districts. Since everyone who applied was given an e-pass, we could see them going home in too many vehicles.
The police are also in a situation where they do not have much control over those who do not have e-pass. Many of these are said to go without an e-pass.
Seva Sindhu
Many people from Tamil Nadu who can work in Bangalore are trying to go there because of work. But there is a practice of registering themselves in English on the main website of the Government of Karnataka and issuing an e-pass to go to Bangalore on the day on which they say.
A similar practice is followed not only in Bangalore but also in Karnataka. However in Karnataka too the e-pass procedure for travelling between districts has already been abolished.
Tamils coming to the city
Individuals from other states are being monitored more closely. People from more populous states like Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, in particular, are being subjected to intense scrutiny.
Therefore, Tamils coming to Bangalore via Attipalli check post via Hosur and Krishnagiri are detained and deported if they do not have e-pass.
Going to Bangalore is not right
We can easily travel to Tamil Nadu without e-pass, but it would be nice if we could think of it and go to Bangalore.
Figs are highly appealing in the checkpoint area and no matter how much they say they are not allowed inside from there. Considering that people have e-pass, it is considered that it is not right to go to Bangalore.
14 days for stamping
It is now considered a good idea to register with this website. However, when they bring the e-pass, they send a kind of stamp stating that they have to be alone at home for 14 days.
The only condition for seeing that stamp is that they should not leave the house for work or any other reason. Only those who agree to this can go to Bangalore.
Dangerous thing
Also in the fig school checkpost area, it has been reported that a few intermediaries are claiming to take you the other way if you pay a thousand or two thousand from there.
Acted in favour of the BJP ?, Summons to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Facebook
It is not uncommon for them to take people the other way, but the Bangalore city police are conducting more raids
Coming into the city at such crossroads is a dangerous thing not only for them but for everyone. And people need to consider that it is something that can break the law. It is said that it is necessary to cooperate with the government in this matter.