people scattered with blood wounds, many killed? World: Hundreds of people are injured in a powerful bomb blast in the Lebanese capital Bei...
people scattered with blood wounds, many killed?
World: Hundreds of people are injured in a powerful bomb blast in the Lebanese capital Beirut. It is reported that more than 10 people may have been killed so far.
A massive bomb blast near the port of Beirut on Tuesday has left the entire city in a state of smoke.
What is the unknown situation
Extensive damage was done and various buildings across the city, such as windows, were smashed. The bomber struck shortly afternoon in the capital, Beirut.
Health Minister Hamad Hassan says more than 100 people have been injured in a powerful bomb blast.
Helicopters, fire trucks
Many were reported injured and medical services were called in from all over the country for intensive care.
Helicopters and fire trucks have been battling the area.
In the afternoon blast
The blast was so powerful that many buildings were damaged. The city itself is said to be a minute cold enough for people to walk away.
People are screaming and screaming here and there in shock. Currently, the city itself looks like a smoky zone.
There are fears that more people may have been injured and killed in the afternoon blast.