Tamil Nadu Transport Minister MR Vijayabaskar has been confirmed to have corona damage. He is currently being treated at a popular private hospital
Treatment in hospitals
Tamil Nadu: Tamil Nadu Transport Minister MR Vijayabaskar has been confirmed to have corona damage. He is currently being treated at a popular private hospital in Chennai.
Also, DMK MLA and former transport minister Senthil Balaji have been diagnosed with corona infection.
A few ministers in Tamil Nadu have so far returned to Corona after receiving treatment. It includes KP Anpalagan, Thangamani and Cellur Raju.
Mr Vijaya Bhaskar, the present Minister of Transport, was assured of the Corona defeat.
In addition, Karur MLA Mr Senthil Balaji has been diagnosed with coronavirus and is currently being treated at the Apollo Hospital in Trichy.
Corona is becoming more and more prevalent among politicians and social activists in Tamil Nadu. It is noteworthy that DMK MLA Nem Anpalagan of Tiruvallikeni Chepauk Assembly constituency in Chennai died without any treatment for corona infection.
In general, it is significant that doctors, nurses, and politicians who work down the streets for the people are all committed.