In the NEED exam writing room, only 12 people will be allowed per room and now only 12 people can write the exam in one room due to the corona
Announced by the National Selection Commission
India: As the NEET exam is scheduled to take place on September 3 and the JEE exam is scheduled to take place from September 1 to 6, details of the rules to be followed by students going to write the NEED exam have been released.
- Students are required to wear a mask.
- Students must bring a bottle of water and a sanitizer.
- Since the corona period., Students must arrive in advance for the exam room.
- Follow the rules regarding Corona on the Exam Admit Card.
- Students who wear religious attire should come before the examination room and undergo appropriate examinations.
The National Examinations Commission has said that the NEET exams in India will be held on September 13 and the JEE exams from September 1 to 6.
Students are usually subject to more restrictions during NEET exams. NEED EXAMINATIONS IN THIS ENGINEMENT NEED EXAMINATION is currently underway between corona exposure.
One on a bench
Due to this, more and more restrictions have been imposed on the selection of this system. The National Examinations Commission has now released the list of rules in this regard.
According to the report, students will be seated in separate seats in the examination room. Social spacing will be observed. It said only one person on a bench would be seated.
Only 12 people
In the NEED exam writing room, only 12 people will be allowed per room and now only 12 people can write the exam in one room due to the corona now as 24 people were allowed earlier.