After that, it started to increase. It touched 2,371 last week. However, Bangalore is recording more infections than that.
Following Pune and Delhi
India: Bangalore, which had India's lowest corona appearance till the end of June, is now in the country with the third-worst corona defeat.
The total number of corona defeats confirmed there is higher than in Mumbai.
Bangalore ranks third in India after Pune and Delhi, currently in the worst position.
There are now more than 1.7 lakh people infected with the coronavirus.
Mumbai, the city with the highest number of corona patients at one time, currently has 1.69 lakh, corona patients.
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Corona has been growing in large numbers in Karnataka since July. At the end of June, about 4,500 cases were confirmed in Bangalore.
Prime Minister Modi
Mumbai is currently close to 80,000. Even Prime Minister Modi praised the Karnataka government for this. But after that, the corona spread in Bangalore was very fast.
40% of corona patients in Bangalore 40% of the total of 4.59 lakh corona patients in Karnataka have been reported.
Of these, only in Bangalore. Over the past few days, 3,500 patients have been registered daily. Only Pune and Delhi have more daily cases than this.
The situation in Mumbai
The situation in Mumbai in particular In the third week of August, the number of new cases in Mumbai dropped to less than 1,000 daily.
After that, it started to increase. It touched 2,371 last week. However, Bangalore is recording more infections than that.
Also Read: Today Tamil Nadu corona origin list
Chennai Progress While the corona spread more in Chennai, the city of Bangalore registered fewer corona patients. But now the situation has changed.
It registers less than a thousand corona cases daily in Chennai. People need to be vigilant everywhere.