Sasi is 37 years old and hails from the Upper Ponnagaram area of Madurai.
Tamil Nadu: A person who was working in a private cable company in Madurai was electrocuted and died tragically. He was electrocuted while repairing a power pole in Madurai.
Sasi is 37 years old and hails from the Upper Ponnagaram area of Madurai. He has been working as a Lionman for a private cable company.
In this situation, it was reported that something had been repaired on the cable TV in the royal area this morning. He climbs an electric pole in that area to fix it.
Then while repairing that, unexpectedly the electricity is the silk on him. He died on the spot.
Police rushed to the spot and recovered the body and sent it to Rajaji Government Hospital.
Also Read: State Governments Do Not Provide Data On Farmer Suicides - Federal Information
Police have registered a case and are actively investigating the incident.