Rajnath Singh comment was conveyed as an indirect message to China, which is engaged in a border conflict with India in eastern Ladakh.
Spoke efficiently
World: Rajnath Singh, Minister of Defense, said at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 'SEO' Conference that peace is needed and security is needed.
Rajnath Singh comment was conveyed as an indirect message to China, which is engaged in a border conflict with India in eastern Ladakh.
India, China, Russia
In a cooperation organization held in the Shanghai area. It is noteworthy that eight countries are members, including India, China and Russia.
Rajnath Singh
The group operates with military and security considerations in mind. The conference of this important organization is currently taking place in the Russian capital Moscow.
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Defense Minister Rajnath Singh represented India at the conference. In the presence of Chinese Defense Minister General Wei Feng, Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh delivered the keynote address.
Talking and judging
At the time, Rajnath Singh said that SEO member countries, which are home to more than 40 per cent of the world's population, needed hope for peace and security.
He said that cooperation, non-aggression, mutual respect for international rules and regulations, understanding and acting on each other's feelings and resolving differences amicably were important.
India condemns
With this sadness marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and the formation of the United Nations in support of a peaceful world. In addition, international law and national sovereignty are respected there.
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And that organization stays away from the unilateral occupation of countries. India unequivocally condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. "India condemns those who support terrorism," he said.
And Rajnath Singh as they speak. We commend the recent work of RATS 'SEO Regional Counter-Terrorism Framework' in the cyber arena to prevent terrorism and the spread of terrorism.
He hailed the Shanghai Cooperation Council's counter-terrorism measures as a "very good decision" to combat terrorist propaganda and extremism.
Speaking on the Gulf countries, Rajnath Singh said that India has vital interests and relations of civilization and culture with all the countries in the Gulf.
Resolve differences
He also called on countries in the region to resolve differences through dialogue based on mutual respect, sovereignty and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.
Speaking further, Rajnath Singh expressed concern over the security situation in Afghanistan.
He said India would continue to support the people and the Afghan government's efforts for an Afghanistan - led, Afghanistan - owned and the all-inclusive peace process.
And Russia
And thanks to Russia for organizing the annual Anti-Terrorism Training Peace Mission. Rajnasingh also praised Russia for contributing to the development of trust and sharing of experience among the security forces.
(Sputnik V) Vaccine
Rajnath Singh, who finally spoke about the coronavirus epidemic, said it reminds the world that humanity must forget its differences and act to prevent the supreme power of nature and mitigate its wrath.
"We commend Russian scientists and health workers for their leadership in finding the (Spotnik V) vaccine," Rajnasingh said.