PACL bond, PAN card, etc. We can easily register your status in this by entering the PACL number and mobile number we paid for.
A newcomer in Tamil Nadu to recover PACL money has found a simple way to get your document up to the Supreme Court level.
Although there are PACL customers all over India, it is reported that there are about 90 lakh customers in Tamil Nadu.
Even though this money is now being disbursed on the CB side, the policy with larger amounts, such as by check, Acknoelagment, etc. is questionable.
With this in mind, an organization called the SS Team MJM Unit is struggling to recover money for PACL customers in Tamil Nadu.
It is struggling to recover money from their PACL customers at the Supreme Court level and has registered their welfare system with authentication.
At present, the organization has sought the support of the people to present their case on matters relating to PACL.
That is, it is impossible for all PACL customers to leave their jobs.
The organization will therefore argue in the Supreme Court that your money is with PACL by posting their payment details on the organization's website.
It is necessary to post the details of everyone's policy on the website of this organization.
The most important thing is that this SS Team MJM Unit system only mentions your status. It is noteworthy that no other payment details were asked of you.
That means no PACL bond, PAN card, etc. We can easily register your status in this by entering the PACL number and mobile number we paid for.
This is a list of all the districts, so this Tamil Nadu based organization assumes that you can easily report to the Supreme Coast how many PACL customers there are in any district and how much money they paid to set up PACL.
The SS Team MJM Unit system thus ensures that your information can easily reach the Supreme Court beyond the SEBI Lodha Committee.
Although there are many PACL seniors in Tamil Nadu, you can support these people who want to help voluntarily at this moment when no one comes forward.
It does not cost any money, if you do not like it, please share it with others and let them know.