Ariyalur student Vignesh committed suicide by jumping into a well. He was also preparing for the NEET exam.
Need selection, Another student dies following Jyoti Sree
Tamil Nadu: Aditya, a student from Dharmapuri, has committed suicide due to fear of NEET exam.
Jyoti Sridurga, a student from Madurai, who was preparing to write the NEED exam, committed suicide today due to fear of the exam.
Fear of Need Choice
He committed suicide after writing a scathing letter. The audio recorded by him before the suicide has also been released.
He committed suicide by hanging himself at his home this morning. This suicide incident has shaken Tamil Nadu.
Aditya, a student from Dharmapuri, has committed suicide due to fear of NEET exam.
Also Read: Two students have committed suicide in Tamil Nadu on the same day due to NEET exam
It is reported that Aditya committed suicide by hanging himself after writing the letter.
He committed suicide today as the election was to take place tomorrow.
It is shocking that 2 people have committed suicide on the same day today.
Similarly, last week, Ariyalur student Vignesh committed suicide by jumping into a well. He was also preparing for the NEET exam.
In the same week in Tamil Nadu, three people have committed suicide for fear of NEET exam.