And when a 14-year-old boy was similarly tested at another hospital, he was diagnosed with dengue and corona.
Dengue Vs Corona
India: Corona has been a major problem in the country since its inception.
Recently, the spread of corona with dengue, malaria and rat fever has caused great fear among the people.
Doctors have warned people that the current monsoon season is accompanied by seasonal flu with corona.
Seasonal infections
If the fever comes and the corona, if the throat is slightly rough, we think it is a corona and go to check immediately. These types of people can say too much.
Corona is harassing people to that extent. This aside, the corona is now seen by people as a normal thing.
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It is unfortunate that the incidence of seasonal infections is starting to increase as the corona infection is rising sharply in India.
Currently, some people have been diagnosed with corona along with dengue, malaria and rat fever, according to a medical study.
Dengue and corona
A 30-year-old malaria patient at a hospital in Delhi has been tested positive for dengue and corona.
According to doctors, dengue and malaria are common in mosquito-infested areas. That said, corona testing is done for people with flu-like symptoms.
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It was during such an examination that the young man was diagnosed with dengue, malaria and corona.
In addition, the patient had no blood pressure and no diabetes or organ damage.
But still. Doctors said he died at a young age from intensive care as he was suffering from diseases including corona, dengue and malaria at the same time.
For a 14-year-old boy
And when a 14-year-old boy was similarly tested at another hospital, he was diagnosed with dengue and corona.
Doctors are now paying more attention to whether patients with corona symptoms have dengue, malaria and rat fever.
Dengue fever in India usually starts in July and is most prevalent in October. Then it will decrease in November and December.
Affected by dengue
According to federal government statistics, 99,913 people were affected by dengue in 2015. Of these, 220 have died.
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Of the 1,57,315 people affected last year, 166 died.
As of July this year, 12,078 people have been affected, of which 8 have died, according to statistics.
Other fevers
A recent study found that 44 per cent of malaria patients had dengue.
So, if corona affects one side then malaria, including dengue is starting to affect people.
These other fevers are therefore posing a new challenge to physicians and the general public who are struggling to control the spread of corona.